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SIR 2003 400 km |
Brevet: Spring 400 km Organizer: Bill Dussler Date: May 3-4, 2003 Start Time :May 3, 2003 05:00am Finish Time:May 4, 2003 08:00am Start Location: The ride start and finish are at Kings Motel, Enumclaw. Address: Kings Motel, 1334 Roosevelt Ave E, Enumclaw, WA 98022 tel (888)-886-5118, (360)825-1626 Parking: Parking is available at the King County Fairgrounds, just south of the Motel. Entry Fee: $25 SIR members, $35 non-members, Please make all entry and membership fees payable to SIR. Medals (Optional) $7. NOTE: The ranger station at the entrance of the park is 7 miles west of Longmire. The fee for cyclists is $5. When the entrance is not manned, there is a pay station that will accept your $5 fee and issue a receipt. Reminder: All riders are reminded that any failure to conduct the ride in accordance with SIR Brevet Rider Expectations, RUSA rules, applicable laws, or any special instructions or equipment requirements for this ride may result in a time penalty or disqualification. Please download and fill out this Entry Form in advance.
Fee Structure Explanation for joining SIR: You don't have to be a SIR member to paticipate, but we encourage you to join us! The costs are only $8.00 to join SIR with email-notice-only of events member, or $15.00 to join SIR as a regular, U.S. mail-notice-of-events member. Also, all SIR members must join Randonneurs USA (RUSA) to ride. RUSA cost is $20.00 annually. Equipment needed: Remember riding gear for inclement weather, bike tools, spare tubes, and food/water for yourself. All riders should be familiar with the SIR Brevet Riders Expectations. Brevet participants should be aware of the inherent risks of long-distance cycling and must understand that they have responsibility for their own safety. Riding day and night in all kinds of weather on roads shared with cars and trucks can be dangerous. Riders are responsible to ensure that they are qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in the brevets. Each rider is responsible for ensuring that his or her bicycle and other equipment are safe and appropriate for the brevets. Each rider is responsible for making his or her own decisions to stay safe at all times Headlights (white and clearly visible from 150 yards to oncoming traffic), tail lights, and red rear reflectors are required. Note that many taillights are also legal reflectors. These may be checked and riders disqualified if they do not function. Functional lights must be mounted on bike at all times. Lights must be operating at night on each bike in a group. Blinking taillights are permitted, but note that these may bother other riders. Reflective vests and leg bands are required for riding at night or during poor visibility. This is for your safety and others in the group. Hand held flashlights or helmet mounted lights are recommended for repairs made in the dark. As a courtesy to other riders, fenders (with 1/4 coverage front wheel and 1/2 coverage rear wheel) are a must or you'll face the scorn and abuse of your fellow randonneurs. Additional rear splashguards are recommended for group riding. Helmets are required on all SIR events. Riders should be prepared to ride the last 110 km from Longmire back to Enumclaw without services. This will be late at night or early in the morning when most stores and service stations will be closed. More current information on available services will be available on this page 1 - 2 weeks before the brevet. There will be a couple of rooms available at Kings Motel at the finish. Riders are encouraged to stay and rest before heading for home. Bag Drop: There will be no bag drop service.
Route Description: Route Sheet
Last Updated: 04.29.03 |
© Seattle International Randonneurs http://www.seattlerandonneur.org |