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SIR 2005 Flèche Northwest | ||
SIR 2005 Flèche Northwest
Organizer: Wayne Methner Date: Friday, April 22, through Sunday, April 25, 2005 Start: 09:00am Friday, April 22, 2005 through 09:00am Saturday, April 23, 2005 Finish by: 9:00 a.m. Sunday
Destination: Fort Worden State Park - Port Townsend, WA If you plan to spend Friday and/or Saturday night at the Park, please make your reservations soon. Fort Worden State Park. For other accommodations: Port Townsend, WA. It is not necessary to finish your flèche route at Fort Worden State Park. You may finish your route nearby and come to Fort Worden State Park for the banquet. Special Note: three team members must attend the banquet. Background: The premise of the flèche, as devised by the French, is that on Easter weekend the randonneuring clubs from around the country ride in teams from their respective towns to a common destination (in southern France) for a banquet. The rules are minimal: each team comprises of 3 to 5 bicycles, they must cover a minimum of 360 km in exactly 24 hours, they must have on course controls to insure integrity of the route and travel unsupported (except at designated controls) on a unique route from the other teams. Rumors are the word "Flèche" translates as "arrows to a target" or "spokes of a hub." The destination is usually a resort community providing a festive surrounding for waiting family and friends. Completing a Flèche is also required for attaining a Randonneur 5000 standing with Audax Club Parisien. See the Flèche Northwest Rules for more information. Reminder: All riders are reminded that any failure to conduct the ride in accordance with SIR Brevet Rider Expectations, RUSA Flèche Rules, applicable laws, or any special instructions or equipment requirements for this ride may result in a time penalty or disqualification. Banquet brunch: We will hold our banquet celebrating this year's Flèche Northwest on Sunday morning April 24 at 10:00 a.m. The banquet will cost about $15 per person. Notes for Team Leaders: Welcome to the 6th annual Fleche NW. After recieving your Controle Cards please check them for accuracy and note any last minute correction. Any significant change should be brought to my attention. You should note that I will be more or less unavailable Thursday, April 21 until Friday, April 22 at 8pm completing our own Fleche. You may contact Mark Thomas's mobile phone (206-612-4700) in the event of an emergency. Please note and discuss with your teammates the following Pre-Ride instructions: Please conduct yourselves per SIR expectations. Be courteous to your controle owners and staff. In particular, please note the following Fort Worden State Park regulation: Per WAC 352-32-056, "To insure peace and quiet for visitors: (1) No person shall conduct themselves so that park users are disturbed in their sleeping quarters or in campgrounds or park employees in their sleeping quarters between the quiet hours of 10:00pm and 6:30am". I will have House #331 (right side - the house is a duplex) available for showers and as a final controle if you choose. Directions: As you enter the park, .1 mile LT onto Eisenhower Ave (Admiralty Way), .1 mile RT onto Non Commissioned Officers Row (NCO way). Signs will be posted. Don't forget to note the time, distance and place at your 22 hour time of passage on your controle card. And Remember you must complete 25K (15.5 miles) between 22hrs of passage and the end of your ride at 24hours. Be SAFE. Emergency Telephone: Mark Thomas, 206-612-4700. Thank you for participating in this years Fleche NW, be safe and have a great ride. Entry Fee: $60 per team, payable with your registration.
Please return the registration material to:
Wayne Methner Please download and fill out this Registration Form:
Last Updated 04.18.05 |
©Seattle International Randonneurs http://www.seattlerandonneur.org |