On October 15th about 50 Seattle International Randonneurs riders, volunteers and fans packed into the back area of the Celtic Bayou alehouse in Redmond for SIR's annual meeting. After a period of socializing, beer drinking and lies about how well we each rode this year, Mark Thomas got down to the business of reporting on SIR's activities over the past year, plans for next year and the recruitment of volunteers.
Mark Thomas Reports on 2005 Activities While Images from the Cascade 1200 Appear on the TV Overhead
Photo: Tim Corkery |
In 2005 SIR organized 14 events totaling 4,860 kilometer. During the season 225 different riders completed 606 events and 75 different people volunteered their time to make the events possible. All told, riders on SIR events pedaled 215,720 kilometers - equivalent to 5.4 times around the earth or halfway to moon.
2005 Brevet Finishers
Distance |
Finishers |
| 176
| 129
| 88
| 71
| 48
Six teams completed the Flèche Northwest in April this year
and the 26 total finishers made it the biggest fleche in the United
States, again.
SIR represents a huge part of randonneuring in the U.S. More than 10% of RUSA members, RUSA points, and completed rides are contributed by SIR. We've earned 1,164 ACP points - the highest in the U.S. and a 20% increase over our 2004 number. We've also earned 2,176 RUSA points - also the highest in the U.S. with the next club registering 1,412 points.
"Things to do" T-shirts were presented to David Huelsbeck, Peter Beeson and Mark Thomas for completing every single brevet put on by SIR in 2005. These guys don't just show up and ride, they also contribute to the club by organizing brevets, writing articles for the newsletter and working to improve the club for all riders.
The inaugural Cascade 1200 was a great success for SIR. There were 61 riders who
completed the 1,200k distance and seven completed the 1,000k distance.
Mark noted that the 84% finish rate was very good considering the extremely
challenging course. Of course the event wouldn't have been nearly as good
without the efforts of the 44 volunteers who worked so well to make SIR
look good. Here's a list of those volunteers:
A Brand New Cascade 1200 Jersey
Photo: Tim Corkery |
Allison Bailey, Amy Pieper, Ann Jensen, Bill Dussler, Brad Hawkins,
Chris Thomas, Dan Fender, Dan Suomi, Dan Turner, David Barton, Don Funk,
Don Smith, Donald Boothby, Duane Wright, Elena Thomas, Gina Suomi, Jasmine
Hutchinson, Jodi Coy, Jon Muellner, Joyce Clifford, Kevin Humphreys,
Mark Jackson, Mark Thomas, Max Maxon, Melissa Friesen, Michele Jackson,
Mike Rasmussen, Mike Richeson, Nancy Nelson, Patrick Gray, Paul Johnson,
Paul Whitney, Peg Winczewski, Peter McKay, Philip Thomas, Robin Pieper,
Russell Carter, Sheila Walker, Steven Otten, Sue Matthews, Ted Vedera,
Terry Zmrhal, Tom Brett, William Roberts.
Mark also thanked those who volunteered to organize and provide support for each of the other 2005 brevets. Those people are:
Spring 100: Tom Lawrence, Mark Thomas
Spring 200: Anita McKay, Bonnie Dussler, Greg Cox, Mark Thomas, Mary Cox
Spring 300: Duane Wright, Eric Vigoren, Karen Burns, Maggie Beeson, Peg Winczewski, Peter Beeson, Ted Vedera
Spring 400: Brad Havens, Cate Mallory, David Huelsbeck, Matt Cary, Sara Shaw
Spring 600: Bill Gobie, Lorene Gobie, Melinda Morrow, Mike Richeson, Owen Richards, Trent Hill
Fleche: Wayne Methner, Amy Pieper, Robin Pieper, Mark Thomas, Bill Dussler
Summer 100: Paul Johnson, Peg Winczewski, Darren Adams, James Gutholm
Summer 200: Peg Winczewski, Brian List, Amy Pieper, John Kramer, Lola Jacobsen, Peg Winczewski, Robin Pieper
Summer 400: Don Harkleroad, Ron Himschoot
Summer 600: Bill Dussler, Frank Cordell, Greg Cox, Mike Haselman, Susan France
Mountain 100: Bill Gobie, Duane Wright, Jan Heine
Mark then turned the floor over to Paul Johnson to discuss the results of SIR's membership survey (full results appear in this issue of the newsletter). Paul said the survey provided excellent feedback on things SIR is doing well now and could improve on in the future. A list of recommendations were made to the board for consideration in 2006 and beyond:
Publish our ride schedule for posting in area bike shops
Tag shorter routes onto the longer brevets
Make wool jerseys available for purchase
Add a night-start 100k to the calendar
Solicit newsletter articles addressing the concerns and challenges from the survey
There was also some discussion of moving the newsletter to print-only
(with PDF online) for mailing to all SIR members and local bike shops.
With the feel-good part of the meeting over, Mark began the business of recruiting volunteers for next year's brevets and SIR activities. That list includes:
Spring 100 km Populaire: Feb 25 - Wayne Methner and Tom Lawrence
Spring 200 km: Mar 11 - Greg Cox
Spring 300 km: Mar 25 - Rick Blacker and Jim Sprague
Flèche Northwest: Apr 7-9 - Wayne Methner
Wenatchee Camp - Apr 28-May 1 - Terry Zmrhal
Spring 400 km: May 13-14 - Volunteer Needed
Spring 600 km: June 3-4 - Duane Wright, Peter Beeson, Eric Vigoren
Cascade 1200km/1000/200 km: June 25-28 - Terry Zmrhal, Peter Beeson, David Huelsbeck
Summer 100 km Populaire: July 8 - Paul Johnson
Summer 200 km: July 22 - Peg Winczewski
Summer 300 km #1: August 5 - Dan Turner
Summer 300 km #2: August 12 - Volunteer Needed
Summer 400/1000 km: August 24-27 - Mark Thomas
Summer 600 km: September 16-17 - Eric Vigoren
Mountain 100km: September 23 - Jan Heine
SIR Support
Newsletter - Patrick Gray
Jerseys - Paul Johnson
Land's End - Bill Dussler
Membership Support - Eric Vigoren
Socks - Amy Pieper
Photo Editor - Tom Norwood
Publicity/Outreach - Volunteer Needed
Bike Expo - Paul Johnson
Permanents - Mark Roehrig
Route Archiving - Eric Vigoren
The Cascade 1200 Commemorative Cake
Photo: Tim Corkery |
Terry Zmrhal described the initial plans for Northwest Crank, a four-day bicycling festival in Wenatchee. Northwest Crank will include presentations, daily rides (including a 200k), a banquet and awards ceremony. More information can be found on SIR's Website.
Jan Heine brought copies of his book, "The Golden Age of Handbuilt Bicycles" for people to see and purchase.
Paul Johnson handed out Cascade 1200 jerseys to those who had ordered them.
Amy Pieper provided an update on the ordering of SIR wool socks. The socks are in production and with a bit of luck will be available in December. Updates and ordering information will appear on the SIR web site.
Finally the meeting got down to real business with the election of board members and officers. Any possible dissent must have been squashed before the meeting as everyone was re-elected in a unanimous fashion.
RBA - Mark Thomas
Webmaster - Jon Muellner
Treasurer - Terry Zmrhal
Board - Paul Johnson, Peg Winczewski, Peter McKay, Amy Pieper, Peter Beeson, Wayne Methner
With that we adjourned to eat the lovely Cascade 1200 cake, continue swapping stories of rides past and, for many, begin the bike ride back home.
Outside Celtic Bayou Riders Prepare to Head Home
Photo: Tim Corkery |
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