![]() Volume 7 Issue 1 - January/February 2002 |
In This Issue 2002 Brevet Schedule 2002 Season Introduction Night Riding and LED Headlights A Rookie Looks Back RUSA Domestic Events SIR 2002 Flèche Northwest Wool Jersey Update Road Snippets ![]() |
Membership Dues are Due!
We'd love to have memberships renewed before the 200 km (March 23) to reduce stress on the start of that ride. You can get a Membership Application/Renewal on-line and send it to Anne Marie McSweeny, 19167 NE 43rd Court, Sammamish, WA 98074, 425-868-6796. Email: membership2004@seattlerandonneur.org
SIR Email List For those of you on-line, join in the SIR email list! It's a great way to share info, ride schedules, car-pooling to events and training with other SIR members. To get on go to http://www.phred.org/mailman/listinfo/sir. It's easy!
SIR Volunteers Needed SIR members are encouraged to volunteer at Bike Expo (March 1-3) to answer questions and hand out flyers. Mark will coordinate volunteers and you can contact him at RBA@seattlerandonneur.org or (206) 612-4700. Volunteers and flyers will be at the Sammamish Valley Cycle booth. SIR members wishing to help out on any of the brevets, please contact the organizer directly and offer your support. Running a double series this year will be easier if we all pitch in! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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By Mark Thomas
Welcome to a new season of randonneuring. I've already seen many old friends and some new faces on Terry's training rides, other rides, and in the bike shop. We are looking forward to a great year at SIR. This will follow on our successful 2001, where we finished 9th among all Randonneur clubs internationally (145 total) for brevet results. Audax Club Parisien ranks each club according to finishers in brevets sponsored by the club, with 2 points for each 200 km finisher, 3 points for each 300 km finisher, etc. Our 404 points put us behind only Melbourne Victoria (Australia), Davis, Audax UK, BC Lower Mainland, West Palm Beach, Boston, Wash DC, and Union Audax Tournai (Belgium). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By Kent Peterson
One of the challenges randonneurs face is night riding. While it is theoretically possible to complete the various brevets entirely in daylight, virtually all randonneurs spend some brevet time in darkness and the subject of bicycle lights is a frequently debated subject of conversation in many randonneuring clubs. While there are probably as many solutions to the lighting problem as there are randonneurs, I'm not going to discuss all the options here. Interested readers are encouraged to explore the many options available in systems using halogen bulbs, linear voltage regulators, various battery packs and/or generators. A wide range of systems have been successfully used in events like PBP and BMB and quick web search should reveal a wealth of information. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By Jon Muellner
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New domestically-sanctioned event types: populaires, brevets, arrows, and darts and permanents mean great things for SIR. The board is currently looking at adding a dart for the 2002 season (possibly September) and planning for an eventual permanent route in the region with Bill Dussler and Kent Peterson heading up that research.
RUSA Domestically-sanctioned Events
Until now, all of the brevets and flèches held in the United States have been sanctioned by the Audax Club Parisien (ACP) in France. ACP-sanctioned events are internationally recognized, may be used to qualify for PBP, and contribute toward ACP awards such as the Super Randonneur and Randonneur 5000 medals. To obtain permission to sponsor these events, you and RUSA agree to abide by ACP's rules. New Event Types
RUSA-sanctioned brevets - May be of any length from 200 km and up, including non-traditional lengths. By contrast, the ACP recognizes only the standard brevet distances of 200 km, 300 km, 400 km, 600 km, and 1000 km. This will allow RBAs to design and use courses of intermediate lengths (e.g., 555km, 800km). All of the traditional brevet rules apply. Results are submitted to RUSA using the web-based forms; however, RUSA brevet numbers will be assigned immediately (no brevet stickers are provided). The numbers assigned should be written directly on the brevet cards. Permanent program
A permanent is a pre-established route of 200 km or longer. Riders wishing to do a permanent contact the official who established the route, obtain a control card and a route sheet, complete the ride, and send the materials back to the official. The ride is recorded by RUSA but does not count toward any RUSA medals or awards. The purpose of the program is to promote "year-round" randonneuring and to permit those with difficult work schedules or those who live far from brevet sites to get some recognition for their efforts. A full description of the Permanent program will be included in a future RUSA newsletter. Scheduling constraints for RUSA-sanctioned events
Events must be scheduled far enough in advance to ensure publication in the RUSA newsletter. In general, this is far less of a burden than ACP's October deadline. Newsletters are published in February, May, August, and November with deadlines on the 10th of the preceding month. For example, an event to be scheduled in May must appear in the previous (February) issue; therefore, it must be submitted for publication by January 10th. To schedule one of these events, use the calendar submission tool in the RBA area of the RUSA web site. Labeling requirement
RUSA has some concern that there will be confusion among riders about which events "count" for PBP qualification, French brevet medals, etc. It is recommended that you explicitly label events as "ACP-sanctioned" or "RUSA-sanctioned" in event flyers, announcements, ride descriptions, control cards, and web pages. The RUSA calendar and web site will also identify which events are in what category. For consistency, please use the following wording when describing events: Other requirements
Control card samples for the RUSA-sanctioned events are located in the RBA area of the RUSA web site. The control open/close time calculator also is modified to allow sub-200 km and non-standard brevet distances. Further details are found in the "RBA Procedures for 2002" which has been recently updated on the web.
What this means to SIR is that we can provide a more varied ride calendar and offer more options to those who want to acquire the RUSA 1000 km and 2000km medals. Our 600 km in October will not be sanctioned by ACP, but will fall under domestically-sanctioned RUSA guidelines. The RUSA 1000 km medal may be earned by completing 1000 km in domestic RUSA brevets during a calendar year. The 2000k medal award is available for those randonneurs who complete 2000k in domestic RUSA brevets during a calendar year. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The premise of the Flèche, as devised by the French, is that on Easter weekend the randonneuring clubs from around the country ride in teams from their respective towns to a common destination (in southern France) for a banquet dinner. The rules are minimal: each team comprises of 3 to 5 bicycles, they must cover a minimum of 360 Km in exactly 24 hours, they must have on course controls to insure integrity of the route and travel unsupported (except at designated controls) on a unique route from the other teams. Rumors are the word "Flèche" translates as "arrows to a target" or "spokes of a hub." The destination is usually a resort community providing a festive surrounding for waiting family and friends. Completing a Flèche is also required for attaining a Randonneur 5000 standing with Audax Club Parisien. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By Jan Heine
Just a quick update on the wool jerseys. Seems they had some problems with their machinery breaking before the holidays, then, being Europe, took two weeks off. But I just got word that our wool is knit and they'll start embroidery next week [Feb 1 -editor]. When will the jerseys arrive here? I strongly impressed upon them that it would be a good thing if we had the jerseys for our 200 km. Let's keep our fingers crossed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kent Peterson said he'll be conducting a class on making coroplast fenders in Seattle at BikeWorks...pay attention, he could very well put SKS out of business. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2002 SIR Executive Board: Mark Thomas, Anne Marie McSweeny, Jon Muellner, Bill Dussler, Terry Zmrhal, Greg Cox & Wayne Methner
Membership Fee: Membership Address: |
© Seattle International Randonneurs http://www.seattlerandonneur.org |